IT & Electronic Assets Disposal

We provide detailed documentation for our clients’ equipment. Each unit or asset is listed individually in our testing report and their performance data, components and accessories captured. After the documentation process, we submit each unit to extensive functional test. All hardware may be disassembled into different quality classes and defective components repaired or replaced.

With keen expertise team we would ensure about the quality of parts that are used while repairing of the damaged parts providing at an affordable cost to our customers. The completion of this process is taken to further stage where our technicians will check for the quality of the devices where the commitment of delivering best service is ensured and the customer satisfaction playing the major role. The products available here are of remarkable condition which are aimed to serve best with possible reduced cost than the new products.

Data Destruction

The data that is stored in your device might have private information for which we provide the top prioritized security without leaving you worried. We provide you guaranteed data destruction which cannot be recovered in any way.

The process involves shredding of hard disks. We shred them into tiny pieces (less than 5mm in size) and then segregate manually to recover valuable metals out it. Organizations possessing highly confidential data usually reach us for this service. Also companies exposed to leak threats contact us for hard disk shredding. We have a special team dedicated to recycle recovered metals. The process is carefully undertaken at our recycling facility.

Your privacy is important to us. We can guarantee the untraceable data via on-site or off-site destruction method.

E-Waste Collection and Reverse Logistics

My Eco Works simultaneously with regard to the increasing e waste and also the hazardous substances that are harming humans and the environment without proper treatment of these harmful items. We are a team with experience at e- waste collection and recycling takes over the process who have been trained properly and we provide the right equipment and facility. By following this we make our reverse logistics an easy way to handle the E-Waste having least effects on the results.

We provide logistics support to meet an organization's need and securely transport the e waste back to our recycling facility.